Holly Taylor
Inducted in 2016
Holly Taylor began her teaching career in Ohio in 1979 in choral and
elementary music, moving to Wichita with her family in 1989, where
she continued teaching elementary music in Friends Elementary
School and Emerson Open Magnet Elementary School. In Wichita
Public Schools today she is the Vocal and Elementary Music
Curriculum Coach, the Adjunct Professor at Friends University for
Elementary Music Methods and is Supervisor of Student Field
Holly has served her profession as the first KMEA
All-State Elementary Choir Chair and Co-Chair of the KMEA Mentor Program for
beginning and young teachers in the state. She has also served as the
KMEA Elementary Chair, responsible for keeping three full days of
activities and concerts moving forward during the ISW in the
elementary room. In 2005 she worked on the state Vocal Music
Standards. In 2012 Holly was selected as the SC District Elementary
Teacher of the Year. Holly has also conducted many district and state
honor choirs throughout Kansas and the region.
Holly has a passion for both elementary music and mentoring young
teachers in the profession. Second year teacher Ashley Norman says,
"It is obvious to me that one of her goals is to stick beside and guide
young or new teachers to not only keep them in the profession, but to
see that they can enjoy what they do while producing excellence and
creativity in their students." The President of Kodály Music
Educators of KS Lauren Hirsh says, "Holly creates a community to lift
up, where there is always the theme of what's best for kids? and how
do we cause that to happen?" Craig Manteuffel, KSHSAA Assistant
Director of Fine Arts, says "During the 2013 Snowmageddon, many
clinicians opted to cancel their sessions, but not in the elementary
room! Holly began asking some of her very own teachers to present
sessions on their personal strengths, with Holly filling in a couple of
clinics herself. After the closing session on Saturday, a veteran
elementary teacher told me it was the best elementary in-service he
had attended in years."